Faith Talk – July 7, 2024

Sunday: July 7, 2024
Series: Prove It!
Sermon: Abide to Be ...


1 John 3:3 – And everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself just as he is pure.


This morning, we continued in our sermon series Prove It! as we studied the letter of 1 John. John is challenging believers to prove their love and fellowship with God by living as faithful followers of Jesus, namely, lives free from sin and actions that are loving toward one another. This happens as we remain in close fellowship with God and live faithful to His truth.

Today, Pastor Brian taught on three disciplines of abiding in Christ:
  1. The abiding discipline of boldness- fix your hope on Jesus, which purifies you of sin. This frees you from fear and defeat of shame.
  2. The abiding discipline of freedom- spend intimate time with Jesus, which gives you power over sin. This produces an inner transformation by simply spending time with God.
  3. The abiding discipline to be known- practice right and loving behavior, which rejects the presence of sin. Live a life that is an obvious reflection of your walk with God.


  1. Share how you relate to the gospel freeing you of shame but also the joy of living a life of righteousness that needs not be ashamed.
    • Discuss how focusing on Jesus can protect you from a sin you would be ashamed of later.
  2. Share an example of a time a command of God impacted a decision you made or behavior you chose.
    • Discuss how walking with Jesus leads us away from sin rather than the freedom to rationalize a sinful choice we want to make.
  3. Share a time in your life when it was obvious to others you were living as a follower of Jesus rather than popular or cultural thinking.
    • Discuss how living by what God says is right and loving separates us from the world that often lives by their own thought of what is right and loving.

Pray Together

Father, thank You for the invitation to abide in You, Your Son, and the light of Your truth. I ask that you protect us from our own thinking, from the devil’s deceptions, and a false sense of what is right and good. We commit to abiding and remaining close to you. Purify us from sin, give us power over temptation, and lead us away from the presence of sin so we experience You and reflect You to the world around us. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
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