Deacon Ministry

Like the New Testament deacons, the deacon body at Connection Point Church (CPC) exists as a service-oriented group, assisting both members and prospective members of the Connection Point family. Inspired by both the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), members of the deacon body are servants to the people, providing pastoral and spiritual support.

Deacons work in the practical ministries of the church, including supporting the church in prayer, ministering to the widows and widowers, and serving the Lord’s Supper. We also provide support for our pastors and staff by filling leadership gaps on Sunday mornings and other times. You might find us teaching or helping in classes, assisting with the first impressions team, or helping with other ministries.

If you have a need and feel the deacon body can be of service to you, feel free to contact the church office at 816-353-1994.