

The mission of the StudentMinistry at Connection PointChurch is to fulfill the mission ofthe church by helping peopleto connect with Jesus and oneanother. The way we accomplishthis mission is through thestrategy of teaching studentsthe importance of Gathering,Growing, Serving, Giving, andGoing. We achieve this throughour programming (Wednesdaynight Midweek and Sundaymorning LifeGroups) as wellas special events (like Camp,WKND, and Retreats).
Students, we’re heading to Eagle Sky Camp of the Ozarks for Student Camp June 2-7. Join us for a week away from distractions and filled with worship, teaching, games, and fun!

Student Camp is for teens who have completed 6th-12th grades.

Sunday Life Groups

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

Student Ministry LifeGroups look a little different than they do in the rest of thechurch. Let me give you a glimpse! We meet at 11:00am in the Student Auditorium.We’ll have a welcome/announcement time, play a short game or have time ofworship, followed by a short time of teaching led by our student staff, then dismissto Small Groups.

Small Groups are broken down by age and gender and led by adult volunteers. It’sa time to develop community, as well as dive deeper into the morning’s lesson bybeing able to discuss it as a group. Sunday mornings in the Student Ministry are ablast!

MIDWEEK Students

While the goal of Sunday mornings is to be discipleship focused, our goal forWednesday nights is to be outreach focused! 6-12th grade students will meet in theUnderground for a time of hangout at 6:00pm. To better minister to the two different lifestages middle schoolers and high schoolers are in, we’re trying something new thisyear!

At 7:00pm, we’re going to begin having high schoolers meet in one of the Underground classrooms for some small group Bible Study led by our trained Student Leader Team! Middle School students will head up to the Auditorium for games and a lesson time.

We will still have special Midweek nights where both groups will meet togetherthat we’re going to call Collide. And we’ll still have a few Rally nights that aresimply some out of the box, fun nights!

Meet the Team

Student & Family Pastor
Student Associate