
Everything we do for your K-5th grader is designed to provoke discovery, inviting kids to live out their new understanding of how to grow in a relationship with God and with others. As much as we strive to have a godly impact on kids, we are well aware that God’s original (and best) plan is for parents to be the spiritual leaders of their children.

God calls parents to teach their children His Word and to tell their children about all the good things the Lord has done. The Lord sees the home as being the primary place of instruction and learning. But we know busy schedules can make this difficult.

Our desire is to partner with you as you lead your family and to provide you with tools to make the lessons come alive at home. If the family and the church partner together to grow a child’s faith, just think of the impact this could make! We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our ministry and to browse the variety of other resources we have available.

Summer Camps 2024

CentriKid Camp

July 15-19

for 2nd-5th grade


July 29-August 2

for PreK-5th grade

Sundays in Kid City


Your K-5th grader will join you for the Worship Service with you at 9:30am in the Worship Center and attend Life Groups in Kid City at 11:00am
We are excited to see your child in Kid City this Sunday! Not sure what to expect? Scroll down to find out more about visiting Kid City. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us at 816-353-1994 or

K-3rd Grade

Kids express themselves differently than adults, so we offer a unique program for your K-3rd graders on Sundays. Your child will join you during the worship hour and join us at in Kid City for the Life Group hour. You’ll drop your child off in the Kid City Powerhouse, where they’ll kick off their morning with music, games, and a large group lesson. Then they’ll break into small groups with other kids their age and gender for Bible study and fun activities that will help your child grow.

4th & 5th Grade

Your preteen isn’t quite a teenager yet, and they don’t learn the same way as a young child anymore, so we have a special schedule just for your preteen. Your preteen will attend worship with you and join us for Life Group classes for 4th and 5th graders in our preteen room built just for them during the Life Group hour. 

What to Expect

On your first visit, come to a Kid City electronic check-in area. We will meet your family, gather some information, and one of our volunteers will lead your child to their age-appropriate room.

If you want to plan ahead, you can provide your child's information on our Plan Your Visit form ahead of time so we can be ready for you.

Electronic Check-In

In order to keep your child safe while they are in Kid City, we utilize an electronic check-in system. Each time they check in, you'll receive a pair of unique ID tags - one for your child and one for you. We'll use this tag to learn your child's name, check for their allergies, and make sure they are being picked up by the appropriate person.

Secured Areas

Kid City and all of our elementary and preteen classrooms are located in secure areas. We have volunteers and a security team in place each week to make sure your child has a safe and undisturbed Sunday morning experience. 


Children and volunteers will have temperature and symptom checks upon check in. Children who have COVID-19 symptoms, have been exposed to COVID-19, or are awaiting test results should remain at home. Children who have shown signs of fever, vomiting, or other contagious illness should be symptom-free for 24 hours before coming to Kid City Jr. If a child develops a fever or other symptoms of illness while in our care, parents will be contacted as soon as possible. Please note that we are unable to administer medications.


Every Sunday, our volunteers show up and work together in their unique roles to create a fun learning environment for our kids. Kid City is completely run by volunteers. We could not exist without their leadership. All Kid Ministry volunteers are required to complete a background check and application to ensure the safety of our children.

Get Connected


Get ready for a high-energy evening with worship, games, Scripture memory, and Bible study all planned specifically with your child’s age in mind.

MIDWEEK Kids for K-5th grade meets in Kid City on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm.

Kids Choir

In Connection Kids Choir, we strive to teach kids many forms of worship arts — not just singing — that they can use for the rest of their lives. And we strive to minister to kids and their families and teach them to minister to others through worship arts.

Kids Choir for 1st-5th grade meet on Sundays at 5:00pm!

Jr. Bible Quiz

Junior Bible Quiz is an opportunity for your K-5th grader to learn more than 500 Bible facts and hide God’s Word in their heart. Quizzers meet weekly on Wednesdays at 5:30pm and compete in quiz matches with other churches one Saturday each month September through March.

Meet the Team

Kid Ministry Director
Preschool Associate