Faith Talk – July 21, 2024

Sunday: July 21, 2024
Series: Prove It!
Sermon: Know What You Believe


1 John 4:4 – You are from God, little children, and you have conquered them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.


This morning we studied the beginning of 1 John 4 in our Prove It! series. John addressed some confusion that was growing around, including the idea of Jesus coming the flesh. The few verses we read this morning could be summarized into “know what God’s Word says” or “know what you believe.”

The New Testament explicitly says, and the Old Testament gives lots of examples, that people will wander from what is true. The only way we can be sure to protect ourselves from buying into these lies is to know what the Bible actually says. John says in our passage we studied that:

  1. We need to know what the Bible says.
  2. We have the victory because of the work of Jesus on the cross and the Holy Spirit that is within us.
  3. We are listening to someone. The question comes down to whether we’re listening to the Truth from God’s Word or the lies from the world and our Enemy.


  1. Why do you think it’s so important we know what the Bible says?
  2. If we don’t know what the Bible says, how would it be easy to convince us of a lie versus the truth?
  3. What are some lies the world tries to tell us that, if we’re not careful, we might believe?
  4. If we don’t do anything, nothing will change. What can each of us immediately do to begin studying God’s Word more intentionally?

Pray Together

God, thank you for giving us your Word and the Truth in it. I ask that you would help us to be diligent to know what it says to combat the lies from the world. We commit to being proactive in learning what our Bibles say so that we can honor and glorify you through our lives and what we follow. Help us to recognize truth from lies. In your name, we pray, Amen.
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