Faith Talk – August 4, 2024

Sunday: August 4, 2024
Series: Milestones
Sermon: Milestone 3: Gospel Foundation


Ephesians 2:8-9 – For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift—not from works, so that no one can boast. 


Today we celebrated Create-A-Camp and Milestone 3: Gospel Foundation – preparing your child to follow Jesus.  
Pastor Brian unpacked Ephesians 2:1-10 using the acrostic GOSPEL.  
  • God’s character - God is loving and just, has mercy and wrath. We must share the full character of God, so people know the true God and have reverence toward Him as the place their faith in Him.
  • Offense of sin - Sin is our primary problem. We are dead in our sin and separated from life and relationship with God. Sin is a greater offense than we realize, and we must emphasize this as the primary problem in our evangelism.
  • Savior Jesus Christ - The solution to the tension between God’s holiness and our sin is the person and work of Jesus Christ. He paid for sin in our place satisfying God justice and wrath opening the door for our salvation.
  • Personal response - we are saved by grace through faith alone in Christ alone to the glory of God alone. We can only receive the free gift of salvation if we come by faith alone in Jesus. Faith is to place all your trust in the person of Jesus to forgive your sin and receive eternal life.
  • Eternal urgency - the world is in desperate need of the gospel, and we can only be saved before death or before Jesus returns, both could happen at any moment. We must believe and share the gospel now!
  • Life transformation - God has good plans for those who follow Him. Salvation brings us into the good works that offer meaning, purpose, and glory to our lives. We must live God’s plan to fully experience His salvation. 


  1. Share how you can live your everyday life at home with the gospel as your foundation.  
    • What does this good news look like? What will you do differently? 
  2. When the gospel is the foundation of your life, you realize the seriousness of sin and the beauty of God’s mercy and grace.  
    • Discuss the level of sensitivity your family has toward sin. Does your life of living out the gospel reflect God’s view of sin?  
    • If you are a parent, what does this look like as you train your child in holiness?  
  3. Discuss your experience in sharing the gospel with those God has placed near you. 
    • What step can you take toward a gospel conversation? (ex. know their name, pray for conviction, build a relationship, be ready for the opportunity, etc.) 

Pray Together

Father, thank You for the gift of salvation! Thank You for Your mercy and love toward us even when we were living in sin and rebellion. I ask for You to convict me of my sin, lead me in repentance, and empower me to live with the gospel as the foundation of everything I do and how I live my life. We commit to living out the gospel but also to share the gospel with those You have placed near us. Give us courage and grace to live out this good work you have planned for us to do. In the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen. 
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