Faith Talk – August 18, 2024

Sunday: August 18, 2024
Series: Prove It!
Sermon: We Know


1 John 5:20-21 – And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding so that we may know the true one. We are in the true one—that is, in his Son, Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.


Today we finished our series, Prove It! It's been a challenging study through 1 John as we seek to demonstrate our love and fellowship with God. Through this letter, we have learned there are false teachers in the world who seek to lead Christians away from Jesus and distort His teaching on how a Christian is to think and live. We learned a believer’s life is to be dominated by God’s love for them, their love for God, and our love for one another as we live set apart from the fallen world.

John closes this letter with confidence and certainty with five “we know” statements that give assurance to our faith and empower our walk with Jesus.

We Know:
  1. We have eternal life by believing in God’s Son.
  2. God hears and answers our prayers.
  3. We don't sin, but Jesus protects us when we do.
  4. We are of God, but the world lives under the influence of Satan.
  5. Jesus has given us the true understanding of God and life.

We are to live in the knowledge and experience of these truths we know. As John concludes in 1 John 20:21, Little children, guard yourselves from idols. Guard yourself from anything that would threaten to move you away from what “we know” to be true.


  1. Share what stood out most from our study of 1 John this summer.
    • What is an area that impacted and transformed you the most?
  2. Discuss the five “we know” statements that conclude this letter.
    • Which one encourages you? Which one do you need to trust more? Which one do you need to apply better?
  3. Discuss the distractions of the fallen world and the threat they are to your faithfulness to God.
    • Is there a sin you need to confess and repent of? Is there an idol that is distracting you from full commitment to Christ?

Pray Together

Father, thank You for the assurances you give us in Your Word. Thank You for eternal life as a free gift through faith. Thank You for allowing us access to Your presence and promises through faith in our everyday lives. I ask that You strengthen our faith in each of the five areas we discussed today. Lead us to trust You, follow Jesus, and love one another. We commit to turn from every idol, every sin, every worldly distraction, every false teacher and to turn to Jesus in faith every moment of our lives. In the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.
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