The Gospel Project Faith Talk - Genesis 2-3

Sunday: September 8, 2024
Lesson: Unit 1 Session2
Scripture: Genesis 2-3


Main Idea: Sin entered the world.

  • Adam and Eve lived in God's beautiful garden. God took good care of them.
  • God gave Adam and Eve one rule: "Do not eat from the tree of the middle of the garden. If you do, you will die." 
  • One day, a snake tricked Eve. He said, "You will not die. You will be like God." So Adam and Eve ate the fruit. They broke God's one rule; they had sinned. 
  • Adam and Eve tried to hide from God, but God knew what they had done. God made Adam and Eve leave the garden, but He still loved them. 

Review Questions
  1. What one rule did God give Adam and Eve? 
  2. Sin is disobeying God. What should we do after we have chosen to sin? 


Main Idea: Sin entered the world.

  • Adam and Eve lived in the garden of Eden. God commanded them to not eat the fruit of a special tree.
  • The serpent twisted God's words. Adam and Eve ate the fruit and broke God's command.
  • They tried to hide from God, but God knew that they had sinned. God still loved Adam and Eve, but because of their sin they had to leave the garden. 

Review Questions
  1. How did the serpent tempt Eve to eat the fruit? 
  2. How did God show mercy to Adam and Eve? 


Main Idea: We can trust God’s boundaries are good.

This week was a look at the fall of humanity. God set boundaries as a means to help Adam and Eve. However, Satan convinced them that God was keeping something good from them.
Review Questions
  1. From Life Group Discussion: What's the point of boundaries? What does it say about God and His character that He would give us boundaries? 
  2. From Life Group Discussion: Satan distorted God's Word. How do we see God's Word being distorted in our culture now? 
  3. How often do we think God is keeping something good from us, when God is probably trying to protect us? What are some of the "good" things we sometimes think God is keeping from us?


Main Idea: Sin results in shame, separation, and death.

Weekly Review Questions
  1. What stood out to you (whether it be new or a reminder) about this week's study?
  2. What are your thoughts on the Gospel/Christ Connection this week?
  3. What can we apply to our daily lives based on what we studied?