The Gospel Project Faith Talk - Genesis 3-4

Sunday: September 15, 2024
Lesson: Unit 1 Session 3
Scripture: Genesis 3-4


Main Idea: The First Family (Genesis 4)

  • Adam and Eve had a family. Their son Abel took care of sheep. Their son Cain grew food to eat. 
  • One day, Cain gave God some of his crops as a gift. Abel gave God some of his sheep. God was happy with Abel's gift, but He was not happy with Cain's. 
  • Cain was so mad. God warned Cain not to make a wrong choice, but Cain hurt his brother. God punished Cain and sent him away. 
  • After Cain left, God gave Adam and Eve another son, Seth. Adam and Eve's family grew. 

Review Questions
  1. Why was Cain so mad? 
  2. When you feel mad or sad, what can you do to remind yourself that God loves you and sent Jesus? 


Main Idea: The First Family (Genesis 4)

  • Adam and Eve had sons named Cain and Abel. 
  • Cain and Abel brought offerings to God. God accepted Abel's but not Cain's. Cain became angry and killed Abel. 
  • Because God is holy, Cain had to leave God's presence and move away from his family. 

Review Questions
  1. What was the difference between the two offerings? 
  2. Why did God have to punish Cain for his sin? How was God merciful, even in punishment? 


Main Idea: God shows us mercy in our shame (Genesis 3)

This week was a look at the result of our sin. Adam and Eve tried to hide when they realized what they had done. However, God shows us mercy even when we sin. The lesson for us is to not hide and live in shame, but to instead step out, receive God’s mercy, and repent.

Christ Connection
Even in Adam and Eve's transgression, God's grace was evident. God promised to provide a descendant, Jesus, who would crush the head of the serpent, defeating sin and death and restoring people to God and one another (Romans 16:20).  
Review Questions
  1. From Life Group Discussion: What does God's response to Adam and Eve’s sin reveal about His nature (Genesis 3:9)? 
  2. How does our view of God determine how we handle our sin? 
  3. From Life Group Discussion: When have you struggled with viewing the consequences of sin as too harsh? 


Main Idea: Sin leads us to distorted feelings and responses and to hateful actions (Genesis 4)

Weekly Review Questions
  1. What stood out to you (whether it be new or a reminder) about this week's study?
  2. What are your thoughts on the Gospel/Christ Connection this week?
  3. What can we apply to our daily lives based on what we studied?