Where Is God? Finding Faith in Difficult Times

In times of struggle, pain, and uncertainty, it's natural to wonder: Where is God? Why doesn't He seem to be listening or acting in our lives? The Bible gives us guidance on how to approach these challenging questions through the story of the prophet Habakkuk.

Embracing and Wrestling with God

Habakkuk, whose name means "to embrace and wrestle," provides a powerful example of how to approach God during difficult times. When faced with injustice and violence around him, Habakkuk cried out to God, asking tough questions and expressing his frustration.

This teaches us an important lesson: it's okay to bring our doubts, fears, and complaints to God. In fact, doing so can deepen our relationship with Him. As we see in Psalm 142, David also poured out his complaints before the Lord. This isn't a lack of faith, but rather a sign of authentic trust in God's ability to handle our raw emotions.

The Power of Lament

Habakkuk's prayers were not quiet whispers, but loud cries to God. The Hebrew word used here literally means "to scream with a loud voice and a disturbed heart." This reminds us that we don't need to hide our pain or confusion from God. He wants us to bring everything to Him, even our most difficult emotions.

Trusting God's Plan

When God responds to Habakkuk, He doesn't provide a detailed explanation of His plans. Instead, He offers a revelation: "Look at the nations and observe—be utterly astounded! For I am doing something in your days that you will not believe when you hear about it" (Habakkuk 1:5).

This teaches us that God often gives us revelation rather than explanation. Our role is to trust in His sovereign plan, even when we don't understand it fully.

Finding Peace in Jesus

Jesus Himself modeled this approach of embracing and wrestling with God. In the Garden of Gethsemane, He prayed intensely, asking for the cup of suffering to be taken from Him while also submitting to God's will (Mark 14:36).

As we face our own trials, we're called to follow Jesus' example. We can bring our honest prayers to God while also trusting in His ultimate goodness and plan for our lives.

Practical Steps for Finding God in Difficult Times:

  1. Pray honestly. Don't be afraid to express your true feelings to God. 
  1. Study Scripture. The Bible provides comfort and guidance during tough times. 
  1. Seek community. Surround yourself with fellow believers who can support and pray for you. 
  1. Remember God's faithfulness. Reflect on times in the past when God has come through for you. 
  1. Focus on eternity. Keep your eyes on the promise of eternal life in Christ. 


When we wonder "Where is God?", we can take comfort in knowing that He is always working, even when we can't see it. By embracing who God is and wrestling with our questions, we can develop a deeper, more mature faith. As we lay our burdens at the foot of the cross, we find the peace and hope that can only come from a relationship with Jesus Christ.
This blog is based on a message preached by Lead Pastor Dr. Brian Stone on September 15, 2024, as part of the When God Doesn’t series. You can watch the full message here.

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