The Gospel Project Faith Talk - Genesis 6-9

Sunday: September 22, 2024
Lesson: Unit 1 Session 4
Scripture: Genesis 6-9


Main Idea: The Great Flood (Genesis 6-9)

  • All the people on earth disobeyed God. God decided to send a big flood to clean up the world. 
  • Only a man named Noah tried to do what was right. God told Noah to build an ark—a huge boat. God sent pairs of all the animals to the boat. 
  • Then God sent a flood. Noah, his family, and the animals on the boat were safe from all the water. 
  • God put a rainbow in the sky and promised to never again flood the whole earth. 

Review Questions
  1. Who did God choose to build the ark? 
  2. What kind of animals do you think were on the ark? 


Main Idea: The Great Flood (Genesis 6-9)

  • Adam and Eve's family grew, but the people did not want to live under God's rule. God had to judge the people for their sin. 
  • Noah was a righteous man. God decided to save Noah and his family from this punishment. God led Noah to build the ark. Then He sent a flood to cover the earth. 
  • God promised to never flood the whole earth again. 

Review Questions
  1. Why did God send the flood? 
  2. How has God rescued us from sin?  


Main Idea: Even when we sin, God provides a way for us to be forgiven (Genesis 6)

The story of Noah’s Ark is often spun as a kid’s story when in reality, it’s one of the darkest stories in Scripture. Humanity was so evil, dark and sinful, that God chose to wipe them out. This is a reminder to us that while God is merciful and gracious, it only extends to those that call Him Lord and mean it. We must be diligent to share the Good News of Jesus with anyone and everyone so that they too can call Him Lord!

Christ Connection
The story of Noah points to an even greater rescue. As with Noah and the flood, a final judgment for sin is coming when God will condemn unrepentant sinners to eternal death and hell, but all who repent and believe in Jesus will be saved (Romans 10:13).  

Review Questions
  1. From Life Group Discussion: What is more appalling: the depth of humanity’s sin or the severity of God’s judgment?  
  2. How was Noah obedient, and why might that have been hard considering the culture he lived in? 
  3. What is it about Noah’s story we can learn from and apply to our lives? 


Main Idea: Sin corrupts and must be judged, but God saves those who fear and obey Him (Genesis 6:9-22)

Weekly Review Questions
  1. What stood out to you (whether it be new or a reminder) about this week's study?
  2. What are your thoughts on the Gospel/Christ Connection this week?
  3. What can we apply to our daily lives based on what we studied?