Faith Talk - October 6, 2024

Sunday: October 6, 2024
Series: Legacy Milestones
Sermon: Milestone 2: Bible Discovery


Psalm 19:7 – The instruction of the Lord is perfect, renewing one’s life; the testimony of the Lord is trustworthy, making the inexperienced wise.


Today we celebrated Milestone 2: Bible Discovery on our Legacy Milestone path. As we practice Faith@Home the Milestones lead families along the journey to faithfully grow as followers of Jesus.

When we think about lifelong, fully committed followers of Jesus, our first concern is often for us as adults, but quickly, we worry about the next generation. The generation of kids and families who need God’s Word in their lives and in their homes which is what today was all about. Every generation feeding and living on the Word of God.
Pastor Brian pointed out three main truths:
  1. The Bible is true and not imaginary
  2. The Bible is refreshing and life-giving
  3. The Bible is amazing and life-changing

We learned the Bible has a level of unity and consistency given the years it was written over, the number of authors, the different languages, and separate continents, etc. is impossible without a Divine author.

We also learned that reading the “very breath of God” written in the Scriptures can change our lives for our good and God’s glory simply by reading at least four times a week. God's Word truly is amazing!


  1. Share how the evidence of the Bible being real and true encourages your faith.
    • What stood out to you most?
  2. Share how your life and faith compare to that of your parents or the house you grew up in.
    • Do you share their same faith? What impact did your parents and the home environment have on your faith development?
  3. Discuss how the Bible has impacted your life. Have you experienced victory over sin or a healthier faith practice simply by reading the Bible consistently?
    • If not, discuss how you think this could be helpful to your spiritual growth.
  4. Have each person share their plan to start reading the Bible at least four times a week.
    • What book or Scripture? When will you read it? Where will you be?

Pray Together

Father, thank You for Your Word. We confess we don't read it and absorb it as often and consistently as we should. I ask You to give us the conviction to read Your Word so we grow in our faith to live a healthier life with more of Your glory. We commit to reading our Bible at least four times a week, starting now. Give us the conviction, the refreshment, and the life we need to read and follow You well. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.
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