Faith Talk - February 9, 2025

Sunday: February 9, 2025
Series: Modern-Day Evangelism
Sermon: Peter: Listen and Speak


Acts 8:12 –  But when they believed Philip, as he proclaimed the good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, both men and women were baptized.


Sunday’s sermon began a new series, Modern-Day Evangelism. We kicked off by focusing on Peter's example. We learn from Peter's interaction with Simon the Sorcerer in Acts 8 about effectively sharing the gospel with application to our modern day.

Pastor Brian emphasized three key points:
  • You must believe the gospel and dedicate your life to proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ.
  • You must yield and follow the Holy Spirit to be filled with the power and words of the Holy Spirit.
  • You must apply the three-peat of modern-day evangelism victory: listen to what they share, discern by the Holy Spirit, and speak the gospel directly to the heart of what they need.

The example of Peter shows how spiritual discernment allows us to understand someone's thoughts, heart, and specific needs so we can share the gospel directly and effectively.

Home Discussion Questions

Homes with Adults
  • How do you distinguish between relying on your own abilities versus the Holy Spirit's power when sharing your faith?
  • Share a time when listening deeply to someone helped you better understand their spiritual needs.
  • What personal idols or desires for greatness might hinder your focus and time toward evangelism efforts?

Homes with High School Students
  • What makes it difficult to listen to others before sharing your own thoughts about faith?
  • How can you tell the difference between someone's surface needs and their deeper spiritual needs?
  • What fears do you have about sharing your faith, and how might the Holy Spirit help with those?

Homes with Middle School Students
  • Why do you think it's important to listen to someone before telling them about Jesus?
  • What makes it hard to talk about your faith with friends?
  • How can you practice listening better to your friends and family?

Homes with Elementary Students
  • What makes someone a good listener?
  • How do you feel when someone really listens to you?
  • What's your favorite thing to tell others about Jesus?

Pray Together

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of our Salvation. We do not take it for granted and realize we are saved to tell others of Your salvation. Thank You for the Holy Spirit, who gives us the power and words to overcome any fear or obstacle to proclaim the good news of the gospel. We ask for Your help in becoming better listeners who gain the discernment to then speak the gospel directly and clearly. We commit to sharing the gospel. We commit to relying on Your power to do so. Show us how to take a step in this direction today. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen.

OPTIONAL Family Activity

The Listening Game

Play "The Listening Game" where family members take turns sharing something about their day while others practice active listening. After each person shares, listeners must repeat back what they heard and identify one feeling the speaker might have experienced.

This helps develop listening skills while building family connections. End by discussing how good listening helps us share God's love with others.
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