The Gospel Project Faith Talk - Numbers 14

Sunday: February 9, 2025
Scripture: Numbers 14


Main Idea: The People Doubted (Numbers 13-14)

  • God told Moses to send men into the land of Canaan. Moses told twelve men, "Go see if the land is a good place to live and how many people live there."
  • The men went into the land. They came back and said, "The land is amazing! But the people are strong, and their cities are huge."
  • Some of the men were afraid to go into the land. They did not trust God's promise. But Joshua and Caleb said, "We can do it! God will help us!"
  • God was upset that the people did not trust Him. He said, "None of you will go into the land, except Joshua and Caleb."

Review Questions
  1. What did spies see in the Promised Land that made them afraid?
  2. Is there a situation you are afraid of that we can pray about today?


Main Idea: The People Doubted (Numbers 13-14)

  • Moses sent 12 spies into the land of Canaan. When the men came back, they said the land was good. They also said the people were strong and the cities were huge.
  • Some of the men were afraid to go into the land. But Joshua and Caleb believed God would be with them.
  • God said that the people who doubted His promises would never enter the land of Canaan.

Review Questions
  1. Why didn’t the people trust God to give them the land?
  2. Why can we always trust God?


Main Idea: Forgetting God’s provision causes us to distrust Him when we’re in need. (Numbers 13-14)

After Moses sent twelve spies to explore Canaan, ten returned with fearful reports about the land's powerful inhabitants, while only Joshua and Caleb maintained faith that God would help them conquer it. Their negative report caused the Israelites to rebel against Moses and consider returning to Egypt, leading God to become angry and declare that none of the adult generation (except Joshua and Caleb) would enter the Promised Land. As punishment, the Israelites were sentenced to wander in the wilderness for 40 years until that generation died out, and when some tried to enter Canaan anyway despite God's decree, they were defeated by the Amalekites and Canaanites.

Review Questions
  1. God forgave the Israelites, so why did they still have consequences? What does this mean for us?
  2. After God declared His punishment, some Israelites tried to enter Canaan anyway and were defeated. What's the difference between having courage with God's blessing versus being reckless against His will? How can we tell the difference in our own lives?


Main Idea: God is both faithful to forgive and to punish faithlessness. (Numbers 14)

When the Israelites heard the spies' report, they wept, complained against Moses and Aaron, and even planned to choose a new leader to take them back to Egypt, despite Joshua and Caleb's pleas to trust in God's promise. God's anger burned against their lack of faith, and He declared He would destroy them with a plague, but Moses interceded for the people, leading God to pardon them while still decreeing that none of the adult generation (except Joshua and Caleb) would enter the Promised Land, instead wandering for forty years in the wilderness. Some Israelites, feeling remorseful, tried to enter Canaan against Moses' warning, but were defeated by the Amalekites and Canaanites because they went without God's blessing and presence.
Review Questions
  1. In what ways do we, like the Israelites, despise God when we doubt His plan for our lives?
  2. The chapter shows a striking pattern: the people initially refuse to enter the land when God commands it, then later try to enter when God forbids it. How do you see this same pattern of human nature playing out in your own life or in society today - either resisting God's timing or rushing ahead without His blessing?

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