The Gospel Project Faith Talk - Numbers 21

Sunday: February 16, 2025
Scripture: Numbers 21


Main Idea: The People Complained (Numbers 20-21)

  • God's people walked in the wilderness for 40 years; they complained a lot.
  • Once, the people were very thirsty-they wished they were still in Egypt. God told Moses to speak to a rock so water would come out for the people to drink.
  • Later, the people complained again. They did not like their food, and they were thirsty. God let snakes come and bite the people.
  • The people asked Moses to pray for God’s help. God said, “Make a bronze snake and put it on a pole. Whoever looks at the snake will be healed."
  • When the people looked at the snake, God healed them.

Review Questions
  1. Why did God punish the people by sending snakes?
  2. Can you think of something good God has done for you this week?


Main Idea: The People Complained (Numbers 20-21)

  • As God's people journeyed in the wilderness, they complained about Moses and about not having water.
  • God's people became impatient and complained about eating the same food. As a consequence, the people were bitten by poisonous snakes. Many people died.
  • God told Moses to make a bronze snake and mount it on a pole. God healed anyone who looked at the snake.

Review Questions
  1. Why is complaining a sin?
  2. What happens when we believe in Jesus (John 3:14-16)?


Main Idea: God heals us when we repent of our sins. (Numbers 21)

In Numbers 16, Korah led a rebellion against Moses and Aaron's leadership, resulting in God causing the earth to swallow up Korah and his followers, while fire consumed 250 other rebels, and a subsequent plague killed 14,700 more people who blamed Moses for these deaths. Numbers 20 records the death of Miriam, followed by Moses striking the rock in anger instead of speaking to it as God commanded (which resulted in Moses being barred from entering the Promised Land), and Edom's refusal to let Israel pass through their territory. In Numbers 21, after God sent venomous snakes to punish the complaining Israelites, Moses made a bronze snake that would heal those who looked at it, and the Israelites went on to achieve significant military victories over the Amorites and King Og of Bashan.

Review Questions
  1. The Israelites had just seen God give them victory over their enemies, yet they still complained about their circumstances. Why do you think it's so easy to forget God's faithfulness when we face new challenges?
  2. What connection do you see between the bronze snake and Jesus?


Main Idea: Confession and repentance will lead to healing. (Numbers 21)

After Israel defeated the Canaanites at Hormah, they became impatient and complained against God and Moses during their journey around Edom, leading God to send venomous snakes that killed many people. When the people repented, God instructed Moses to make a bronze snake and mount it on a pole, promising that anyone who looked at it after being bitten would live.
Review Questions
  1. The people's specific complaint includes the phrase "there is no bread and no water, and we detest this worthless food" - calling the miraculous manna "worthless." What does this reveal about human nature and the way we can become desensitized to God's provision? How do you guard against taking God's blessings for granted?
  2. Read John 3:14-16. What’s the correlation Jesus makes of Himself to the serpent statue?

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