Faith Talk - March 2, 2025

Sunday: March 2, 2025
Series: Modern-Day Evangelism
Sermon: Jesus: Follow and Invite


Matthew 9:37-38 – Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.”


We continued in our series, Modern-Day Evangelism. Today's sermon examined Jesus' pattern of calling disciples to follow Him and join Him on His mission.

Pastor Brian’s message, based on the Gospel of Matthew, highlighted three ideas about evangelism: We follow and fish, we are summoned and sent, and we go and invite. We follow Jesus and fish for people. We are summoned to worship and sent to harvest. We go to the streets and invite people to church.

This approach to evangelism focuses on identifying those who are "close to me but far from God" and intentionally inviting them to experience Christ through our individual lives and corporate church gatherings.

Main Points:
  • If you are a follower of Jesus, He makes you fish for people
  • We are both summoned to worship and sent to invite others
  • To go and invite is a simple and effective form of evangelism
  • Evangelism begins by identifying at least one person who is close to you but far from God

Home Discussion Questions

Homes with Adults
  • How would you describe the connection in your life between "following" Jesus and "fishing" for people?
  • Who in your life fits the description of "close to you but far from God," and what has held you back from investing in them or inviting them to church?
  • How could you make space in your regular activities to include someone who needs to experience the love and encouragement of your testimony?

Homes with High School Students
  • What makes it difficult to invite friends to church or youth group events?
  • How can you tell if you're following Jesus closely enough that others notice something different about your life?
  • What activities are already part of your routine that could become natural opportunities to include friends who don't know Jesus?

Homes with Middle School Students
  • Who are some friends you think might need to know more about Jesus?
  • What's the difference between telling someone they should go to church and inviting them to come with you?
  • How could you explain to a friend what following Jesus means to you?

Homes with Elementary Students
  • Who is someone you'd like to invite to church, mid-week, or a church event?
  • What is your favorite part about church that you could tell a friend about?
  • How can you be a good friend that shows Jesus' love?

Pray Together

Heavenly Father, thank You for inviting us into a relationship with You through Jesus. We are grateful that You pursue us with such love and compassion, recognizing our needs even when we don't see them ourselves. We ask for the courage to extend invitations to those around us who need to experience Your love and grace. Help us to view people through Your eyes of compassion rather than judgment. We commit to following Jesus more closely and making space in our lives to fish for people, reap the harvest, and invite others to church, acknowledging that You have positioned those who are far from You close to us for an evangelistic purpose. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Family Activity

Invitation Cards

Involve the family in creating "Invitation Cards" as a fun project. Have each family member decorate simple cards with encouraging messages or Bible verses. Then, brainstorm together about who each person might give their card to, along with a personal invitation to church or a family activity. Make it concrete by selecting a specific upcoming event or service.

Pray together for the individuals you've identified throughout the week and celebrate whenever someone accepts an invitation. This activity helps children and teens see evangelism as a natural expression of care rather than an overwhelming task.
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