Faith Talk - March 16, 2025

Sunday: March 16, 2025
Series: His Hour
Sermon: My Hour Has Not Yet Come


John 2:11 – Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee. He revealed his glory, and his disciples believed in him.


Today, we began a new sermon series called His Hour, focusing on how Jesus prepared His followers for His crucifixion and, ultimately, His resurrection, as revealed throughout the Gospel of John. Through this series, we will learn to prepare in our time the way Jesus prepared His disciples in their time.

Beginning with the wedding at Cana in John 2, we see Jesus' first miracle as the moment He begins to lift the veil of who He is, the Messiah and Savior of the world.

The miracle of turning water into wine symbolizes the contrast between the Old Covenant (represented by water for ceremonial washing) and the New Covenant (represented by the superior wine Jesus created). This transformation illustrates how Jesus fulfills the Law and offers something better - a relationship with Him that brings abundant joy and true salvation.

As we prepare for Easter, we're called to confess our need for a Savior, repent of anything keeping us from turning to Jesus, and place our faith in Him as our Messiah and Savior.

Main Points:
  • Jesus' references to "His Hour" throughout John point to His ultimate sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection from the dead. The hour He accomplishes His purpose on earth.
  • The miracle at Cana reveals Jesus' glory and initiates faith in His disciples
  • The transformation from water to wine symbolizes moving from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant, from religion to relationship, from Law to grace, from the promise of salvation to the fulfillment of salvation.
  • True preparation for Easter involves confession of sin, repentance from sin, and faith in Jesus for victory over sin.
  • Jesus offers something better than Law and religion; He offers the salvation of abundant life and joy.

Home Discussion Questions

Homes with Adults
  • How does the contrast between the ceremonial water and Jesus' wine help you understand the difference between Old Covenant promises and New Covenant fulfillment?
  • In what areas of your life might you be relying on "old covenant" thinking (trying to earn God's favor) rather than embracing the "new covenant" of grace through faith alone?
  • Share how remembering and reflecting on the “hour” of Jesus’ sacrificial death and ultimate resurrection strengthens your faith as we prepare for Easter.

Homes with High School Students
  • What are some ways our culture tries to find joy and fulfillment apart from Jesus? How does Jesus offer something better?
  • Jesus saved the best wine for last, contradicting normal wedding practices. How has Jesus surprised you or defied your expectations?
  • The disciples "believed in Him" after seeing this miracle. What has strengthened your faith in Jesus?

Homes with Middle School Students
  • The servants had to fill the jars completely before Jesus transformed the water. What might this teach us about following Jesus?
  • Mary noticed a problem and brought it to Jesus without telling Him what to do. What problem in your life could you bring to Jesus this week?
  • How would you explain to a friend the difference between following religious rules and having a relationship with Jesus?

Homes with Elementary Students
  • Jesus helped the family at the wedding when they had a problem. When has Jesus helped you with a problem?
  • Jesus turned ordinary water into special wine. What ordinary thing in your life could Jesus make special?
  • The disciples believed in Jesus after they saw the miracle. What makes it easy or hard for you to believe in Jesus?

Pray Together

Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Jesus to offer us something better than religion – a relationship with You that brings true joy and abundance. We are grateful that You sent Your best gift, Your Son, for us. We ask for Your help to recognize where we still cling to old patterns of self-reliance instead of fully trusting in Jesus. Open our eyes to see Your glory revealed in Christ, just as the disciples did at Cana. We commit to preparing our hearts for Easter by confessing our need for You, repenting of our unbelief, and strengthening our faith in Jesus as our Messiah and Savior. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen.

Family Activity

Water to Wine

Create a "Water to Wine" object lesson using a clear cup, water, and grape juice concentrate or powdered drink mix.

Start with cups of plain water representing the Old Covenant and our lives before Christ. Talk about how the water is good but limited—it can clean things on the outside but can't change them completely. Then add the concentrate or mix to transform the water into "wine" (juice), discussing how Jesus brought the New Covenant, which transforms our lives from the inside out, making them more vibrant and fuller of purpose.

Finish by enjoying the juice together while sharing ways Jesus has made your lives better or more joyful. For younger children, you could also use food coloring for a more visual transformation.
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