The Gospel Project Faith Talk - Joshua 7-8

Sunday: March 16, 2025
Scripture: Joshua 7-8


Main Idea: Achan’s Sin and the Defeat of Ai (Joshua 7-8)

  • Joshua and the Israelites battled the city of Ai, but they lost! Joshua did not understand why they lost.
  • God told him a man named Achan took items he wasn't supposed to take. Achan admitted his sin, and he was punished.
  • After this, the people listened to God. When the people of Ai chased after them, the Israelites tricked them and won the battle! Joshua thanked God, and the Israelites made a special place to worship God.

Review Questions
  1. Why was Achan punished?
  2. How does Jesus save us from the punishment we deserve?


Main Idea: Achan’s Sin and the Defeat of Ai (Joshua 7-8)

  • Joshua didn’t understand why Israel lost the battle with Ai. God said Israel sinned when they took things from Jericho that belonged only to Him.
  • God revealed that a man named Achan stole from Him.
  • Achan was punished for his sin. Then God gave His people victory against Ai.

Review Questions
  1. Why was God right to punish Achan’s sin?
  2. How does Jesus save us from the punishment our sin deserves?


Main Idea: God will hold us accountable for our disobedience. (Joshua 7-8)

In Joshua 7, the Israelites were defeated at Ai because Achan secretly took forbidden items from Jericho, angering God until Joshua discovered the sin and punished Achan. In Joshua 8, God gave Joshua a clever battle plan to defeat Ai using an ambush, which worked perfectly as the Israelites completely conquered the city. Afterward, Joshua built an altar to God on Mount Ebal, wrote out God's law on stones, and read all of God's commands to the entire community of Israel.

Review Questions
  1. What’s the difference between an honest confession versus just being caught?
  2. Why do we often tell ourselves that our sin/disobedience doesn’t affect anyone except ourselves?


Main Idea: Sin deserves God’s judgment. (Joshua 7-8)

After conquering Jericho, Israel suffered a devastating defeat at Ai because Achan secretly took forbidden plunder from Jericho, leading Joshua to discover and punish the sin by executing Achan and his family. God then provided Joshua with a new military strategy involving an ambush, which allowed the Israelites to successfully defeat Ai. Afterward, Joshua built an altar on Mount Ebal, offered sacrifices, and read the entire Law of Moses to the assembled Israelites, fulfilling Moses' earlier instructions.
Review Questions
  1. In Joshua 7, we see that one person's sin (Achan's) affected the entire Israelite community. How might this relate to our understanding of personal responsibility versus community accountability in the church today?
  2. Why is pride and prideful desire (thinking ‘I’m owed or entitled to this’) such a big threat to our relationship with God?

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